Guidelines for Authors

Here we provide general guidelines to authors on preparation of the article for submission to UBJ.

Before deciding to submit, we encourage you to:

  • view Aims & Scope of the journal on the Home page to make sure your article is a good match
  • read carefully Ethical guidelines and code of conduct for authors (see Journal Policies) including information about responsibilities of our authors
  • note that manuscripts submitted to UBJ must not have been previously published and must not be under consideration for publication in any other journal
  • ensure that your manuscript/abstract is written in correct English.

Non-native English speaking authors are required to have their texts approved by a native English speaker who is an expert in botany or mycology. Manuscripts written in poor English may be returned to the authors for correction or rejected without review.

As you prepare your submission, please follow the specifications set out below.

Manuscript Preparation

All texts are to be prepared in Microsoft Word formats (.docx, .doc). Use a 12 point font, preferably Times New Roman, 1.5 lines spacing. All texts must be left-justified, words not hyphenated, with margins at least 2 cm wide on all sides of the page.

Articles should include title, author(s) name(s), etc. followed by main text (please see more below).


The title should be a concise description of the reported work in a sentence case. The title does not include nomenclatural authorities; higher taxonomic names should be included.

Author name(s), affiliation(s), address(es), ORCID ID(s)

Place complete names of all authors (last names capitalized) in one line; list each institutional affiliation and full postal address in one paragraph; add an e-mail address of the corresponding author; provide ORCID IDs of all authors, if available.

Please consult recent issues of UBJ for author name(s) etc. to conform to the expected format.

Abstracts and keywords

Provide an informative abstract in English up to 150 words and up to eight keywords. Abstract consists of one paragraph, nomenclatural authorities are not included.

Keywords should supplement the title and not to duplicate title words. Insert keywords in alphabetical order as a separate paragraph after the abstract.

At the end of each article in English, an abstract in Ukrainian should be provided. For foreign authors, the Journal is responsible for translation of the abstracts into Ukrainian.

Main Text

In original research papers, the body text should be structured into sections with appropriate headings. The following standard sections preferably should be used: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements, Ethics Declaration, and References. The section headings are in boldface, left-justified on a separate line. Additional headings are permissible. In brief communications (floristic/mycological records or taxonomic novelties) intended for fast publication, the text may be shorter and unstructured.

Authors are requested to check correct spelling and authors of scientific names of plants and fungi before submission and abbreviate authors of scientific names in conformity with the International Plant Names Index (IPNI), MycoBank or Index Fungorum. For citing collections, please use the standard recommended abbreviations for herbaria according to Index Herbariorum.

Scientific names of all ranks should be italisized. Provide author names of all taxa at the rank of genus or below at first mention in the text. When first used in the article, or in each new section, the genus name is to be given in full. When repeated, the genus name is to be abbreviated to its initial letter (e.g. Boletus edulis to B. edulis), except at the start of a new sentence.

References in the text should be in one of the following formats: for one author – Takhtajan (2009) or (Takhtajan, 2009); for two authors – Kirk and Ansell (1992) or (Kirk, Ansell, 1992); for three or more authors – Turland et al. (2018) or (Turland et al., 2018). When citing several sources, in-text citations should be ordered chronologically, according to the examples above, separated by semi-colons.


Provide clearly and briefly the background information and state the purpose of your study.

Materials and Methods

This section provides data on the studied material and may include names (abbreviations) of major collections where specimens or cultures are accessioned. Cite references of standard techniques and/or describe methods used in the work in detail sufficient for other researchers to repeat the experiment.


In this section, state the results of your study without interpretation or discussion of their implications. The use of figures and tables is encouraged. Avoid duplication of data in figures, tables and text. Short research papers may have combined Results and Discussion section.


Provide an interpretation of your results. Compare your results with those from other publications and discuss possible reasons for the difference.


State only your main conclusions and avoid summarizing information already present in the text or abstract. Highlight the novelty and significance of your research and suggest future studies. Conclusions may be presented as a separate section, or form a subsection of Discussion, or Results and Discussion sections.


At the end of article, acknowledge those who provided intellectual assistance or technical help. Mention funding sources or institutions that supported the published work.

Ethics Declaration

Please declare if there is no any actual or potential conflict of interest with other persons or institutions.

Figures, Tables, and Supplements

All figures should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals, in order they appear in the text to allow proper placement in the published article. Figure citations in the text should be given as follows: Fig. 1, Figs 1, 2, Figs 1–3, Fig. 2A–C. Submit figures and illustrations as high resolution images (at least 300 DPI) in separate .jpg or .tiff files. Figures may full one- or two-column width.

A plate of photographs or drawings is treated as one figure, with capital letters for each element. Figure legends should conform to UBJ format. See recent issues of UBJ for examples of formats used for various kinds of figures.

Illustrations are published in color in the online version and usually grayscale in the print version; color can be used in print-publication only when it is essential for conveying scientific information.

Tables should be numbered with Arabic numerals, according to order of citation in the text. Title must be a single sentence; for further explanation, footnotes are required. Before constructing a table, please consider if the data might be better treated in narrative form in the text.

Long lists or tables of supplementary data are not displayed in the printed version of the article, but are attached to the online PDF article. Electronic Supplement is also considered open access and is freely accessible online. Authors should submit the supplementary files together with the manuscript. Note that supplementary data are published online as received, without additional layout.


Each reference cited in the text must be listed in the References section, and vice versa. References should be listed by author name in alphabetical order at the end of the article. Cite each reference in one paragraph. Single-author publications precede two-author publications. Multi-author works are to be sorted by first author and year of publication; papers with the same first author in the same year should be assigned a, b, etc.

Journal titles and book titles are italicized; journal titles should be given in full, not abbreviated. If available, the article's DOI is to be added. Please use the following standard reference style:

Journal article:

Mosyakin S.L., Mandák B. 2020. Chenopodium ucrainicum (Chenopodiaceae / Amaranthaceae sensu APG), a new diploid species: a morphological description and pictorial guide. Ukrainian Botanical Journal, 77(4): 237–248.

Takamatsu S., Ito Arakawa H., Shiroya Y., Kiss L., Heluta V. 2015. First comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of the genus Erysiphe (Erysiphales, Erysiphaceae) I. The Microsphaera lineage. Mycologia, 107(3): 475–489.


Moore D., Robson G.D., Trinci A.P.J. 2020. 21st Century Guidebook to Fungi. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 612 pp.

Wettstein R. 1935. Handbuch der Systematischen Botanik. Leipzig; Wien: Franz Deutike, 994 S.

Book chapter:

Backlund A., Donoghue M.J. 1996. Morphology and phylogeny of the order Dipsacales. In: Phylogeny of the Dipsacales, part 4. Ed. A. Backlund. Uppsala (Sweden): Uppsala University, pp. 1–55.

Gуmez A., Lunt D.H. 2006. Refugia within refugia: patterns of phylogeographic concordance in the Iberian Peninsula. In: Phylogeography of Southern European Refugia. Eds S. Weiss, N. Ferrand. Dordrect: Springer, pp. 155–188.

Multivolume work:

Ling Y.-R., Humphries C.J., Gilbert M.G. 2011. Artemisia. In: Flora of China, vol. 20–21. Eds Z.Y. Wu, P.H. Raven, D.Y. Hong. Beijing: Science Press & St. Louis: Missouri Botanical Garden Press, pp. 676–737.

Webb C.J., Sykes W.R., Garnock-Jones P.J. 1988. Flora of New Zealand, vol. 4. Christchurch: Botany Division, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), lxviii + 1365 pp.

Online resource:

IPNI. 2022–onward. The International Plant Names Index. The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Harvard University Herbaria & Libraries and Australian National Botanic Gardens. Available at: (Accessed 14 June 2022).

POWO. 2023–onward. Plants of the World Online. Facilitated by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Available at: (Accessed 5 June 2023).

For the entire website, the reference can be also provided as the URL of the website directly in the text.


In case of all languages, the references must be represented in Roman alphabet only. The references in Cyrillic alphabet should be transliterated using online transliterator on the Tools page of this website.

For more details on formatting style, please consult recently published issues of UBJ (see Archive).


Manuscript Submission

Submit your manuscripts to the Editorial Office by email:

After the initial quality check, if your manuscript matches the UBJ scope, you will receive a reply from the Editorial Office.

Acceptance of the manuscripts for publication depends on the merit as judged by each of two referees.


If you have any further queries, please contact:

Associate Editor, Dr Vera Hayova,

or Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Sergei Mosyakin,


Thank you for choosing to submit your article to UBJ.


Last updated 20 July 2023