History and Sociology of Science During the Crisis and Transitional Periods of Social Development
history of science, sociology of science, social development in times of crisis, research project, research culture, science communication with society and government, innovative culture of societyAbstract
Introduction. During critical or crisis periods of social development, the need to search for forms of interaction
between science and society, to solve problems in organizing research activities and researcher individual work, and to identify scientifi c problem to be solved for overcoming social challenges becomes especially relevant. It is reasonable to use the heuristic possibilities of studies in history and sociology of science and the experience gained.
Problem Statement. Rethinking the subject areas and tasks of the history and sociology of science, which are
pro posed to be considered not only a historical description of the impact of social processes on the development of
science, or science on society, but also knowledge that allows identifying the mechanisms for enhancing the de velopment of science and society through mutual understanding, inclusive and sustainable growth, innovation culture.
Purpose. To defi ne the heuristic potential of history and sociology of science for fi nding ways to overcome
the challenges related to interaction between science and society during crises associated with the practice based
approach of modern science; urgent problems of researcher professional activity; social aspects of the project
method of organizing scholarly research; issues of science communication with society and government in times
of pandemic and war.
Material and Methods. The research is based on the comprehensive use of general scientifi c principles of
historicism, objectivity, reliability, integrity, systematic approach, and representativeness.
Results. It has been substantiated that studying history and sociology of science enables identifying problems
and mechanisms of enhancing the development of science and society through mutual understanding, inclusive
and sustainable growth.
Conclusions. For the successful innovation-driven development of Ukraine’s economy it is necessary to focus
primarily on developing the innovation culture of society and implementing science-centric government policy. The
social and humanitarian sphere should become one of the priority areas of innovation in Ukraine.
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