Mathematical modeling of suspension clarification in a dynamic layer


  • V.L. Polyakov Institute of Hydromechanics of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv



concentration, mathematical modeling, moving boundary, pressure difference, rate, surface filtration, suspension


A non-linear non-steady task of undetachable cake filtration at a constant pressure difference at moving and stationary cake layer boundaries is formulated and solved exactly. Sorption and conductivity possibilities are described by arbitrary functions. The solution obtained in the parametric form enables one to predict reliably chan ges in time of the filtrate quantity and productivity of a cake filtration installation. The effects of layer sorption pro perties, autocatalysis, and rate of cake formation on the main filtration characteristics are analyzed for a number of test examples. It is established that a considerable decrease in the suspended substance content in a filtrate, and filtration rate occurs during a short time, and the deposition is distributed along the dynamic layer height essentially unevenly with the maximum at its exit.


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How to Cite

Polyakov, V. (2024). Mathematical modeling of suspension clarification in a dynamic layer . Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, (12), 33–40.