Extremal elements in a hypercomplex space


  • M. V. Stefanchuk Institute of the Mathematics of the NAS of Ukraine, Kiev




h-extremal beam, h-extremal point, h-hull of a set, H-quasiconvex set, hypercomplex convex set, strongly hypercomplex convex set


Extremal elements and a h-hull of sets in the n-dimensional hypercomplex space Hn are investigated. The class of H-quasiconvex sets including strongly hypercomplex convex sets and being closed with respect to intersections is introduced.


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How to Cite

Stefanchuk, M. V. (2024). Extremal elements in a hypercomplex space . Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, (4), 13–19. https://doi.org/10.15407/dopovidi2016.04.013