For authors

"Visnyk of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine" broadly covers the activities of NAS of Ukraine, the main problems of organizing and coordinating basic and applied research, reports on the achievements of research teams and individual researchers. The journal publishes the most important resolutions of the Presidium of NAS of Ukraine, the decisions on awards, prizes and appointments, information on large-scale scientific and organizational activities of NAS of Ukraine.

The editorial staff accepts for consideration analytical articles on current issues in the development of science and innovation activities, reviews of the current state and prospects of research in the most important areas of natural, technical and social sciences both in Ukraine and in the world, as well as scientific reports. It is important that the work clearly defines the urgency of the problem, its significance, ways of its solution, and contains objective and impartial analysis of the available alternative solutions to the problem. Narrowly specialized articles and articles about ordinary studies that do not pose general scientific interest and contain no meaningful conclusions are not be accepted for consideration. The editorial office does not return rejected manuscripts.

The journal also publishes materials covering issues of science studies, history of science and technology, activities of individual science schools, informational messages about anniversaries, commemorative and notable events of academic life, reviews of new books and more.

Article manuscript (in doc or docx format) and separate files of figures or photographs (high resolution in JPEG, EPS, TIFF formats) should be sent by e-mail to The article size should not exceed 30, and for review – 50 thousand characters. The following must also be provided:
1) two printed copies of the manuscript, signed by all authors;
2) information about the authors (last name, first name, position, degree, affiliation, phone number, postal and e-mail addresses);
3) cover letters from organizations where the authors work.

– UDC index (PACS);
– initials and last names of authors;
– names and addresses of organizations where the authors work;
– abstract in Ukrainian of up to 15 lines, which must clearly reflect the purpose, object and methods of research, main conclusions;
– keywords (no more than 10);
– article text with tables and figures. It is advisable to employ categorization in the work using sub-headings; manuscript text (Times New Roman 14 pt font) is printed with 1.5 spacing on A4 pages;
– references;
– translation in English and Russian of the article title, authors’ full names, names of organizations and their addresses, abstracts and keywords.