Does a blast furnace have a right to exist under the European Green Deal?




blast furnace, blast furnace process, CO2 emissions, pig iron, steel


The author has repeatedly had to face criticism of the technology of iron ore materials reduction in blast furnaces to produce pig iron with its subsequent conversion into steel. There are reproaches against it on the subject of environmental unfriendliness, prehistoric technology and the need to liquidate blast furnace manufacturing in Ukraine. Moreover, contempt is shown not only by common people, but also by metallurgical specialists, and with the adoption of the course for decarbonization of metallurgical production this negative attitude has only increased. The publication of this article is an attempt to draw attention to the uniqueness of blast furnace smelting, its efficiency, multifunctionality, as well as the need for its preservation and development under the European Green Deal.


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How to Cite

Merkulov, O. Y. (2024). Does a blast furnace have a right to exist under the European Green Deal?. Visnik Nacional Noi Academii Nauk Ukrai Ni, (4), 69–79.