About scientific space research in Ukraine

Transcript of the report at the meeting of the Presidium of NAS of Ukraine, May 11, 2022





The report is devoted to the results of the implementation of the Target Program of the NAS of Ukraine on scientific space research for 2018-2022. Given that the vast majority of space research requires the launch of spacecrafts with observation and measurement equipment, which is problematic in current circumstances, for the successful implementation of space research projects, it is necessary to make appropriate decisions at the level of state authorities, as well as enlist the support of foreign partners.



How to Cite

Yatskiv, Y. (2022). About scientific space research in Ukraine: Transcript of the report at the meeting of the Presidium of NAS of Ukraine, May 11, 2022. Visnyk of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, (7), 67–68. https://doi.org/10.15407/visn2022.07.067