Mathematical modeling of ecological conditions of natural objects of the environment




mathematical modeling, ecological problems, heterogeneous media, complex processes, natural environment, automated systems


The paper is devoted to fundamental and applied research of the V.M. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of NAS of Ukraine in solving the problems of risk analysis of emergencies and safety of ecological systems, studying and forecasting the complex dynamic processes in heterogeneous media, development of mathematical modeling methods and numerical algorithms, implementation of highly reliable systems for information protection and automated systems for mathematical modeling of the states of natural objects. The Institute’s highly qualified staff and powerful computing resources provide conditions for reliable solving of complex scientific problems. Brief historical information on events of the Chernobyl accident directly related to the described research works is also presented.


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How to Cite

Kalenchuk-Porkhanova, A. O., & Tulchinsky, V. G. (2021). Mathematical modeling of ecological conditions of natural objects of the environment. Visnik Nacional Noi Academii Nauk Ukrai Ni, (11), 43–54.