About the Journal

The Journal was established in 1995 by the Resolution № 307 of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine on December 28, 1994. State registration certificate of print media: KV 23700-13540PR on 21.11.2018.

The Journal is intended for professionals in space science and technology, to those who uses space technologies for various  applications, as well as for the foreign readers who want to get acquainted with the achievements of space-rocketindustry and space science of Ukraine. The Journal became a worthy successor of the previous specialized  journals, which were established by the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, such as the "Space Research in Ukraine" (1973-1984) and the "Space Science and Technique" (1986-1992).

In the course of twenty-six years of activity, the “Space Science and Technology” journal has gained wide recognition in Ukraine and abroad as well as has significantly provided space research in Ukraine. Thanks to the efforts of the Editorial Board and Editorial Office, the 28 volumes (namely 139 issues and 19 supplements) had been published by the end of December 2022. These issues contain more than 2080 articles, where 30 % of them were prepared with the participation of foreign authors.

The summary is given in the paper “Space Science and Technology” journal: Statistics and Scientometrics for 1995–2020" by Vavilova I.B., Zievako V.S., Pakuliak L.K., Potapovych L.P. Space Sci. & Technol. 2020, 26(6):094-103. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/knit2020.06.094



  • space-rocket vehicles, spacecrafts design and manufacture
  • scientific payload of spacecrafts
  • control systems, dynamics, and energetics of space vehicles and spacecrafts
  • study of the Earth from space
  • space physics and astronomy
  • space biology and medicine,
  • space material science
  • space communications, navigation,  and information systems
  • organizational, legal, and philosophical  aspects of space research
  • history of space research

The Ukrainian Branch of the International Academy of Astronautics has been participating in the preparation of the Journal's archive digitization since 2015.

Editor-in-chief: Yaroslav Yatskiv
Editorial Board Executive Secretary: Iryna Vavilova 
Executive Editorial Office Secretary: Olga Klymenko

Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
27 Akademik Zabolotny St., off. 201, Kyiv, Ukraine 03143
E-mail:  reda@mao.kiev.ua  Теl.:  +380-44-526-47-63  Fax:  +380-44-526-21-47