Policy in the IP Field in Academic Institutions and Higher Education Institutions
intellectual property, higher education establishments, university, R&D institution, and property rights.Abstract
Introduction. Along with the creation of intangible objects, their effective introduction into production and other spheres of public relations to satisfy both the private interest of creators, the persons who have invested the funds in their creation, and the public interest acquire the particular importance.
Problem Statement. The study of intellectual property policy in the activities of universities and research organizations now receives serious attention, in particular by institutions such as the World Intellectual Property Organization and the European Union.
Purpose. The purpose of this research is to identify regulatory requirements and scientific approaches to the formulation of intellectual property policy of higher education establishments and R&D institutions of Ukraine, as well as proposing measures to improve the effectiveness of this policy.
Materials and Methods. Analytical analysis of current regulations and scholarly research works in order to develop proposals for improving the effectiveness of intellectual property policy in the activities of higher education establishments and R&D institutions of Ukraine.
Results. It is disputable that in the case of the conveyance of intellectual property rights as a contribution to the authorized capital of legal entities, such property rights “shall be held by a state-owned R&D institution or university, academies, institutes”. After all, if any assets are conveyed as a contribution to the authorized capital of a corporation, the titles to these assets are transferred to the corporation.
Conclusions. The positive legislative trends in the educational field provide for strengthening the positions of education establishments and R&D institutions in terms of the commercialization of scholarly research and R&D results.
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