Optimization of the Anti-Scale Corrective Treatment of Water by Organic Phosphonate
circulating cooling system, 1-hydroxyenelyleden-1,1,-diphosphonic acid, dosage optimization, and discharge of wastewaterAbstract
Introduction. Anti-scale corrective treatment (АСТ) is an important part of power plant operations, especially in
cooling systems. The treatment of cooling water with 1-hydroxyenelyleden-1,1,-diphosphonic acid (HEDP) has
been widely used in circulating cooling systems of power plants (CCS), and its use needs to be optimized to achieve
maximum treatment effi ciency.
Problem Statement. The eff ectiveness of ACТ reagents depends on their dose, contact time, temperature, and pH.
The dosage of HEDP is determined at the stage of designing a power plant and is often implemented in fixed concentrations, irrespective of subsequent changes in technology and cooling water quality indicators during the operation.
Purpose. The purpose of this study is to optimize the use and to minimize the discharge of HEDP in water bodies during АСT of CCS.
Materials and Мethods. The CCS Rivne Nuclear Power Plant (Rivne NPP) is the object of the study. Standard chemical control methods and statistical methods have been used in the research.
Results. Data from long-term monitoring and maintenance of the water chemistry regime and discharges of Rivne NPP cooling water have been analyzed. The total hardness of the cooling water has been used as a criterion for the variability of the HEDP dosage. During the period of variable dose, there have been reported a decrease
by 30% in the total amount of HEDP used for cooling water treatment, a decrease in the concentration of HEDP
in the auxiliary water (from 0.410 to 0.204 ppm), and a minimization of HEDP discharge into the Styr River with
the return water after Rivne NPP discharge (from 0.36 to 0.105 ppm).
Conclusions. The model of variable dose of HEDP has been implemented for Rivne NPP in order to minimize its use and corresponding discharge to water. During the period of variable dose of HEDP, as compared with constant concentration dose, the amount of HEDP used while maintaining the effi ciency and the concentration of the
CCS makeup and return cooling water decrease, and the HEDP discharges with return water have been minimized.
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