Energy Law, energy legislation, principles of legislation, resource sovereignty, energy services, energy justice, climate, natural resourcesAbstract
It’s been over 20 years since the scholars could coin such term as Energy Law. The purpose of the present Article is to examine what the nature of Energy Law is today, twenty years on. By means of analysis of the provisions of the regulatory and legal documents the seven core principles of the Energy Law were determined; they were crucial in the establishment of the Energy Law itself and also are the basis for development of its future principles. The purpose of this article is to analyze the fundamental principles of energy law, which are based on modern European and International Energy Law by analyzing the provisions of European and international regulatory documents, which are the basis for shaping the future norms of Energy Law of the European Union and Ukraine. The two main targets to be pursued by the present article are intertwined and interdependent. The first is about development of a concept for scholars and experts what the essence of Energy Law is and how it may be made comprehensible both for the law specialists and specialists of other domains. The second target is to describe of the core principles framework which influenced the establishment of the Energy Law and will play a pivotal role in its future development. It is supposed the core principles framework should be the center for the Energy Law despite the absence of the unified legal regulatory document consolidating those principles. The present article will be definitely useful for the scholars and experts engaged in the establishment of the Energy Law, its enhancement as well as its practical application and usage in the court practice.
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