Regulatory signs of insurance activities in the field of transport




insurer, policyholder, carrier, passenger, insurance activity, business activity, transport sector, insurance contract, insurance object, insured event, insurance protection, mutual insurance, cargo.


The purpose of the paper is to systematize and characterize the main regulatory features of insurance activities in the field
of transport, which distinguish them from other financial institutions and insurers from other industries and spheres
of human activity, determine the legal status of insurers in the field of transport, the legal regime of their activities
and will allow in the future suggesting options for improving the relevant regulatory framework. Research methods.
To achieve the purpose of the paper, scientific research methods were used: 1) structured system analysis, which made
it possible to identify and characterize the first feature, which is the legal protection of participants in relations
in the field of transport; 2) analytical and synthetic, which made it possible to trace the cause-and-effect relationship
between the occurrence of insured events determined by the insurance contract and compensation for the damage
caused; 3) comparative legal, which made it possible to characterize the mandatory and non-binding (optional) nature
of the emergence of a legal connection between the insurer and other participants in relations in the field of transport;
4) formal logical, which made it possible to establish the role of insurance contracts in the field of transport in determining
insured events and other insurance conditions, and others. Results. The main regulatory features of insurance activities
in the field of transport have been systematized: 1. Protection of the insurance interests of participants in insurance
legal relations in the field of transport (insurance protection); 2. Insurance of risks in the field of transport that is related
to life, health, ownership, use, and disposal of property, with compensation by the insured for damage caused to a person
or property, as well as damage caused to a legal entity, in the event of insured events determined by the insurance
contract; 3. Mandatory or optional emergence of a legal connection between the insurer and other participants
in relations in the field of transport; 4. The indispensable role of insurance contracts in the field of transport
in determining insured events and other insurance conditions; 5. Determination of the subject of the insurance contract
and the insurance object in the field of transport; 6. Activity in the form of a business entity to make a profit or obtain
a social effect in the transport field; 7. The interest of insurers in eliminating the causes and conditions that contribute
to the occurrence of insured events in the transport sector; 8. Implementation of insurance protection for participants
in relations in the field of transport at the expense of funds formed by the payment of insurance premiums (payments,
contributions) by policyholders, income from the placement of funds from such funds, and other income of the insurer
received in accordance with the law.


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How to Cite

SVITLYCHNYI, D. (2024). Regulatory signs of insurance activities in the field of transport. Economics and Law, 73(2), 84–93.