scheme of planning of territory of the district, program of complex restoration of territory of territorial community, comprehensive plan of spatial development of territorial community, master plan of settlement, settlementAbstract
The article highlights the main problems of legal regulation of the planning and construction of new settlements in the light of the recovery of Ukraine from the consequences of the war. The legal status of the settlement as a settlement system and administrative-territorial unit is considered. It has been analyzed that the design of new settlements on the territory of Ukraine in the post-war period will be carried out in the status of a future comprehensively populated territory. It is considered that proposals and justifications for the planning and development of new settlements can be provided by programs for the comprehensive restoration of the region or the territory of the territorial community, planning schemes for the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regions and districts, as well as a comprehensive plan for the spatial development of the territory of the territorial community. It is emphasized that the urban planning documentation of the regional level, the documentation on the spatial development and restoration of the territory of the territorial community can only contain proposals regarding the feasibility of building new settlements, their preliminary financial and economic calculation and proposals on the sources of financing such measures. It is argued that the planning and development of new settlements should be carried out by developing master plans. It was found that the planning of a settlement without an approved name, registration in the accounting data and code of the Codifier of administrativeterritorial units and territories of territorial communities is currently impossible due to gaps in legal regulation. In this regard, it was emphasized the need to take into account the experience of foreign countries in the reconstruction of settlements in Ukraine in the post-war period. The need to regulate at the level of normative legal acts the procedure for selecting the territory for the planning and development of new settlements with the definition of urban planning requirements taking into account the natural, climatic and other conditions of the area of their future development is substantiated. Formulated proposals for the improvement of urban planning legislation.
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