decentralization, reform, administrative-territorial units, territorial communities, institutional-legal support, State Land Cadastre information.Abstract
Based on a retrospective analysis, this study elucidates the nature and peculiarities of the institutional and legal frameworks
established for the delineation of territorial communities and administrative-territorial units in Ukraine. It has been substantiated that, under current conditions, national legislation mandates the inclusion of data concerning the boundaries
of the administrative-territorial unit/territorial community into the State Land Cadastre, complete with their graphical
representation and the coordinates of their turning points in electronic format. It has been determined that as of May 1,
2024, information on the boundaries of 10,819 administrative-territorial units, accounting for 36% of their total number,
has been entered into the State Land Cadastre; in 2023, boundaries for 16 territorial communities were registered
for the first time, making up only 1.1% of their total number. The study identifies the problems related to the absence
of up-to-date legitimate information in the State Land Cadastre, particularly regarding the established (modified)
boundaries of administrative-territorial units; obtaining Extracts from the State Land Cadastre, which should be issued
free of charge in a digital interaction mode to the respective rural, township, city, district, regional councils; and the
development of urban planning documentation at the local level based on updated cartographic foundations in digital
format within the national coordinate system, containing basic and thematic geospatial data. These issues heighten the risk
of stagnation in the development of a comprehensive spatial development plan for the territory of the territorial community,
an integral element of contemporary policy on the endogenization of regional development and the effectiveness of regional
growth poles, including agglomerations. Legislative proposals have been developed concerning the establishment of actual
boundaries of administrative-territorial units and territories of territorial communities, their documentation as the basis
for: developing a comprehensive spatial development plan for the territory of the territorial community in electronic
document format; ensuring consistency and effectiveness of regional development tools, and their spatial-territorial,
socio-economic, environmental, and cultural localization.
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