Protection of groundwater against pollution by uranium compounds using permeable reactive barriers


  • B. Y. Kornilovych NTU of Ukraine “Kiev Polytechnic Institute”
  • Y. I. Koshyk UkrR&D Institute for Industrial Technology, Zhovti Vody
  • I. A. Kovalchuk Institute for Sorption and Problems of Endoecology of the NAS of Ukraine, Kiev
  • O. O. Khlopas Institute for Sorption and Problems of Endoecology of the NAS of Ukraine, Kiev
  • O. E. Bashchak Institute for Sorption and Problems of Endoecology of the NAS of Ukraine, Kiev



groundwater, microbiological reduction, permeable reactive barrier, uranium, zero valent iron


Hydrogeologic and geochemical conditions in a vicinity of the large uranium mine tailings storage facility (TSF) in the Zhovti Vody town are characterized to provide the data to locate, design, and install a permeable reactive barrier to treat groundwater contaminated by leachate infiltrating from the TSF. The effectiveness of three different permeable reactive materials are investigated: zero-valent iron, phosphate material, and sulphate-reducing bacteria. In the pilot permeable reactive barrier (PRB) installation, separate rows of cylinders were filled with each of the three permeable reactive materials, and the sampling was conducted within and around the rows of reactive cylinders. The PRB was installed in October–November 2011. Key sampling parameters included field parameters, inorganic analytes, and contaminants of concern (radionuclides and heavy metals). Groundwater levels were measured throughout the study. The results of studies demonstrate the effectiveness of zero-valent iron for remediating uranium-contaminated groundwater, when utilized in a PRB.


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How to Cite

Kornilovych, B. Y., Koshyk, Y. I., Kovalchuk, I. A., Khlopas, O. O., & Bashchak, O. E. (2024). Protection of groundwater against pollution by uranium compounds using permeable reactive barriers . Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, (3), 113–120.