Influence of grafted β-cyclodextrin on the sorbing activity of silica gel to ions of toxic metals


  • L. A. Belyakova Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry of the NAS of Ukraine, Kiev
  • V. N. Belyakov Vernadskii Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the NAS of Ukraine, Kiev
  • S. L. Vasilyuk Vernadskii Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the NAS of Ukraine, Kiev
  • O. M. Shvets Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry of the NAS of Ukraine, Kiev



cation, oxyanion, silica gel, sorption, β-cyclodextrin


The uptake of cations of toxic metals (cadmium, lead, and copper) and oxyanions from nitrate, phosphate, and arsenate aqueous solutions by silica chemically modified with β-cyclodextrin is studied. It is proved that the sorption process involves the simultaneous formation of surface supramolecular structures "β-cyclodextrin — oxyanion" and mixed complexes of metal cations with the side functional groups of grafted β-cyclodextrin. It is found that the adsorption of cations correlates with the electronegativity of chemical elements, and the adsorption of oxyanions — with the complementarity of their sizes to parameters of the internal cavity of the cyclic oligosaccharide.


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How to Cite

Belyakova, L. A., Belyakov, V. N., Vasilyuk, S. L., & Shvets, O. M. (2024). Influence of grafted β-cyclodextrin on the sorbing activity of silica gel to ions of toxic metals . Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, (3), 69–77.