System analysis of the functioning of ecosystems of natural protected territories under conditions of the activation of the influence of natural and anthropogenic fac tors
adaptive management, ecological state, GIS-oriented information-analytical system, natural and anthropogenic factors, natural environment, natural protected territoryAbstract
The problem of the functioning of ecosystems of protected areas under conditions of the activity of natural and anthropogenic factors has presented with the use of the system approach. It is shown that, under these conditions, modern management technologies do not always provide an adequate level of environmental assessment and relevant response to its negative changes. The approach to the construction of systems of assessment of the ecological status of territories of this class is proposed, and its informational and methodological aspects are considered. An example of application of the proposed approach is the GIS-oriented information — analytical system designed for the implementation of adaptive management of the state of the natural environment of the Biosphere Reserve UNESCO “Shatskyi”.
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