Salt diapirism of the Dnieper-Donets depression from the standpoint of fluid dynamics representations


  • V.S. Kurilenko Institute of Geological Sciences of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv



convective instability, Dnieper-Donets depression, geodynamical net, Rayleigh number, vibration, relaxation, resonance, сsalt diapirism


Salt diapirism is described as a solid flow of salts with regard to fluid-dynamic concepts. High plasticity and low density of salts are a cause for the convective instability of sedimentary strata, which leads to the formation of specific salt structures. Specificity is expressed in the spatial periodicity of the placement of salt structures either in the linear forms or in the form of hexagons (single domes) depending on the critical values of the Rayleigh number. The flow of salts is influenced by the vibration forces that determine the discrete nature of the sizes of salt structures and the distances between them. The influence of factors controlling the salt diapirism is estimated.



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How to Cite

Kurilenko, V. (2024). Salt diapirism of the Dnieper-Donets depression from the standpoint of fluid dynamics representations. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, (6), 43–47.