Black minismokers — a possible factor of generation of black shale formations of the euxinic type
black shales, black smokers, euxenits, hydrogen sulfide degassing, tube problemsAbstract
Fragments of pyritizited tubes of cylindrical or conical shapes have been detected as a result of examining the rocks of a black shale formation (Lower Visean, central part of the Dnieper-Donets depression, the cores of oil and gas deep wells) on an electron microscope. These tubes are filled by colomorphic, spongic and framboidal forms of microbiogenic pyrite. It constitutes the considerable portions of enclosing black shales. These tubes and associated forms of pyrite are supposedely the segments of a microchimney system of deep H2S-degassing. It seems likely that the holes in the walls of these tubes are connected with the cavitation of gas bubbles. Their appearance is related to the spraying of a two-phase fluid flow. Cavitation microexplosions perforated the tube walls. These brittle ephemeric structures are possible analogs of the black smokers. Their discovery allows us to reveal the geological conditions of the formation of black shales of the euxinic type. This should promote, in turn, the development of these formations as a nontraditional source of hydrocarbons and various metals.
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