Appearance of the Rebinder effect and "effect of adsorptive deployment of porous structure surface" during the coal-water fuel preparation


  • V.S. Biletskiy Yurii Kondratyuk Poltava National Technical University
  • О.А. Krut Coal Energy Technology Institute of the NAS of Ukraine, Kiev



coal-water fuel, crushed coal, Rebinder effect


The appearance of the Rebinder effect ( decrease in the strength caused by adsorption) under the coal crushing during the preparation of coal-water fuel has been studied. It is found that the coal humidification made before the coal crushing leads to a decrease in its strength and increases its crushability, which results in a significant increase in the yield of a class of finer particles (having less diameters). In addition, the secondary (related to the Rebinder effect) "effect of adsorbtive deployment of the surface of porous structure" leads to a shift of the hydrophilic-hydrophobic balance of the external surface toward to the hydrophilic one. These factors — finer granulometry and hydrophilization — favor technological characteristics of coal-water fuel, namely: a decrease in the viscosity of a coalwater suspension and an increase in the aggregative and sedimentation stabilities of coal-water fuel.


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How to Cite

Biletskiy, V., & Krut О. (2024). Appearance of the Rebinder effect and "effect of adsorptive deployment of porous structure surface" during the coal-water fuel preparation . Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, (12), 44–49.