Biotope cadastre as a basis for land conservation in market relations


  • Ya.P. Didukh Kholodny Institute of Botany of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,Kyiv
  • L.P. Vakarenko Kholodny Institute of Botany of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,Kyiv



land market, agricultural land, land cadastre, biotope cadastre, EUNIS, INSPIRE


In connection with the introduction of the agricultural land market, relations between society and nature may aggravate, since the category of such lands is not clearly defined, which causes heated debate, in particular when granting them environmental status. One of the effective ways to regulate these relations is the formation of cadastres of various categories of natural resources using GIS technologies, databases and modern methods of their analysis. Since the available cadastres (including the State Land) do not have the necessary information on a comprehensive assessment of ecosystems, and only an assessment of their economic use and business entities is given, the creation of a biotope cadastre is proposed, the classification of which is developed for Ukraine on the European principles of EUNIS. Such a cadastre will not only provide an inventory of ecosystems of a topological level, their diversity, but will also serve as the basis for damage assessment, monitoring, ecosystem services, management, forecasting, the formation of an ecological network, the creation of conservation sites, the adoption of appropriate decisions on effective management and balanced use of natural resources according to environmental and economic principles. In the future, based on existing inventories, it is proposed to create a National Natural Resources Cadastre of Ukraine, which would be implemented in the INSPIRE pan-European cadastre.


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How to Cite

Didukh, Y., & Vakarenko, L. (2019). Biotope cadastre as a basis for land conservation in market relations. Visnik Nacional Noi Academii Nauk Ukrai Ni, (9), 70–80.