Life and creative path of a famous representative of an outstanding mathematics school

To the 70th anniversary of Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine V.H. Samoilenko




January 15, 2025 marks the 70th anniversary of the birth of the famous Ukrainian mathematician, specialist in the theory of differential equations, laureate of the State Prize in Science and Technology (2018), the V.M. Khrushchev Prize (2005) and the M.V. Ostrogradsky Prize (2012) of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, chief researcher of the Department of Mathematical Physics of the Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (since 2023), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (1992), Professor (2001), Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2021), a well-known representative of the outstanding scientific mathematical school of Krylov—Bogolyubov—Mytropolsky—Samoilenko, Valerii H. Samoilenko.



Samoilenko V.G. Investigation of a system of two weakly coupled Van der Pol equations. Matematicheskaia Fizika. 1978. 24: 52—58.

Mitropolskiy Yu.A., Bogoliubov N.N. Jr., Prikarpatskiy A.K., Samoilenko V.G. Integrable dynamical systems: spectral and differential-geometric aspects. Kyiv: Naukova Dumka, 1987.

Blackmore D., Prykarpatsky A.K., Samoylenko V.H. Nonlinear Dynamical Systems of Mathematical Physics: Spectral and Symplectic Integrability Analysis. World Scientific Publ., 2011.

Andrushkiw R.I., Mykytiuk I.V., Prykarpatskiy A.K., Samoylenko V.H. Geometric quantization of Neumann-type completely integrable Hamiltonian systems. Journal of Mathematical Physics. 1994. 35(4): 1532—1548.

Andrushkiw R.I., Mytropolskiy Yu.A., Prytula N.N., Prykarpatskiy A.K., Samoylenko V.H. Algebraic structure of the gradient-holonomic algorithm for Lax integrable nonlinear dynamical systems. I. Journal of Mathematical Physics. 1994. 35(4): 1763—1777.

Andrushkiw R.I., Prykarpatskiy A.K., Samoylenko V.H. Algebraic structure of the gradient-holonomic algorithm for Lax integrable nonlinear dynamical systems. II. The reduction via Dirac and canonical quantization procedure. Journal of Mathematical Physics. 1994. 35(8): 4088—4115.

Perestyuk M.O., Kaplun Yu.I., Samoylenko V.H. Implicit function equation with discontinuous trajectories. Miscolc Mathematical Notes. 2001. 2(2): 145—157.

Samoilenko A.M., Kaplun Y.I., Samoilenko V.H. Singularly Perturbed Equations with Impulse Action. Ukrainian Mathematical Journal. 2002. 54(8): 1309—1323.

Mitropolskiy Yu.O., Matarazzo G., Samoylenko V.H. On asymptotic solutions to delay differential equations with slowly varying coefficients. Nonlinear Analysis. 2003. 52(3): 971—988.

Shydlovska N.A., Samoilenko V.G. Analysis of a direct current circuit with heat losses. Proceedings of the Institute of Electrodynamics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. 2003. (1): 3—11.

Samoilenko V.H., Khomchenko L.V. Neumann Boundary-Value Problem for a Singularly Perturbed Heat Equation with Pulse Action. Nonlinear Oscill. 2005. 8(1): 87—121.

Samoylenko V.H. et al. Kompleksnyi analiz. Pryklady i zadachi [Complex analysis. Examples and problems]. Study guide. Kyiv, 2010.

Konet I.M., Samoylenko V.H. Rivniannia matematychnoi fizyky [Mathematical physics equations]. Kyiv, 2014.

Samoilenko V.H., Samoilenko Y.I. Asymptotic m-phase soliton-type solutions of a singularly perturbed Korteweg—de Vries equation with variable coefficients. I. Ukrainian Mathematical Journal. 2012. 64: 1109—1127.

Samoilenko V.H., Samoilenko Y.I. Asymptotic m-phase soliton-type solutions of a singularly perturbed Korteweg—de Vries equation with variable coefficients. II. Ukrainian Mathematical Journal. 2013. 64: 1241—1259.

Samoylenko V., Samoylenko Yu. Asymptotic soliton-like solutions to the singularly perturbed Benjamin—Bona—Mahony equation with variable coefficients. Journal of Mathematical Physics. 2019. 60(1): 011501—011513.

Samoilenko V., Samoilenko Yu. Existence in Schwartz space and solutions properties of the Hopf-type equation with variable coefficients. Journal of Numerical and Applied Mathematics. 2023. (1): 65—86.

Samoilenko V., Samoilenko Yu., Zappale E. Asymptotic step-like solutions to the singularly perturbed Burgers’ equation. Physics of Fluids. 2023. 35(6): 067106.



How to Cite

Timokha, A. N., Parasyuk , I. O., & Samoilenko, Y. I. (2025). Life and creative path of a famous representative of an outstanding mathematics school: To the 70th anniversary of Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine V.H. Samoilenko . Visnik Nacional Noi Academii Nauk Ukrai Ni, (1), 106–112.