From the Conference Hall of the Presidium of the NAS of Ukraine

December 22, 2021


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Scientific reports of young scientists from institutions of the NAS of Ukraine (speakers — Dr. Sci. (Phys. & Math.) V.V. Seminko; Dr. Sci. (Biol.) R.R. Panchuk; Dr. Sci. (Econ.) I.Yu. Pidorycheva)

Systemic risks in an unstable society: Social and cultural-informational dimensions (speaker — Dr. Sci. (Sociol.) L.G. Skokova)

On awarding distinctions of the NAS of Ukraine and Honorary Diplomas of the NAS of Ukraine and the Central Committee of the Union of the NAS of Ukraine (speaker — Academician of the NAS of Ukraine V.L. Bogdanov)

Staff and current issues



How to Cite

(2022). From the Conference Hall of the Presidium of the NAS of Ukraine: December 22, 2021. Visnik Nacional Noi Academii Nauk Ukrai Ni, (2), 20–26. Retrieved from