An outstanding personality of titanium science

To the 75th anniversary of Academician of NAS of Ukraine O.M. Ivasyshyn




November 8 marks the 75th anniversary of an outstanding scientist in the field of metal physics and physical materials science, winner of two State Prizes of Ukraine in Science and Technology (1993, 2005), Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine (1998), winner of the K.D. Synelnykov Prize of the NAS of Ukraine (1987), prize of the Presidents of the Academies of Sciences of Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova (2002), Director of the Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics of the NAS of Ukraine (2011—2019), Doctor of Technical Sciences (1987), Professor (1992), Academician of the NAS of Ukraine (2003) Orest M. Ivasyshyn.



How to Cite

Markovsky, P. E., & Savvakin, D. G. (2021). An outstanding personality of titanium science: To the 75th anniversary of Academician of NAS of Ukraine O.M. Ivasyshyn. Visnyk of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, (11), 84–89.