Stylistic Homogeneity of Legal Acts in Science and Technology Field: A Scientometric Study




science and technology activities, legal act, legal text, structural unit of legal text, stylistic homogeneity of legal text


The linguistic and statistical method for study of stylistic homogeneity of legal acts on science and technology activities in the context of scientometric analysis of science and technology policy is proposed. The method is tested on a database built for purpose of the study, including 163 legal acts from 136 countries that represent all the contemporary legal systems. It is shown that the variation coefficient for large structural units of legal texts with complex structure can act as the statistical measure for stylistic homogeneity of a legal act, whereas the range of its peak values can act the normative range for assessment of the need to correct textual change or additions made in large structural units of any enforced legal act, to ensure its stylistic homogeneity. The samples of legal acts are used to produce the measure of impact from change or additions made in legal acts on the stylistic homogeneity of a legal act, and to find the differences in the stylistic homogeneity of primary edition and current editions of legal acts with complex structure. The found statistical tendencies in the stylistic homogeneity of a legal act are representative for all the contemporary legal systems. The results from the study confirm the appropriateness of linguistic and statistical methods for analysis of legal acts on science and technology activities as part of the scientometric methodology.


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How to Cite

Boublyk , S. (2024). Stylistic Homogeneity of Legal Acts in Science and Technology Field: A Scientometric Study. Science and Science of Science, 1(95), 3–21.



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