


Development, System National Economy, Social Capital, Indicators of State and Development, Self-Regulation


Introduction. Social capital through public trust, solidarity and a sense of belonging can help increase the effectiveness of public participation in national economic development programs.
Problem Statement. The study of this issue becomes especially relevant due to the search for additional opportunities in the implementation of institutional transformations, development of investment, innovation and entrepreneurshi.
Purpose. Study of social capital as an important factor in the development of the system of the national economy.
Material and Methods. Applied methods of comparative analysis, monographic, abstract-logical were used.
The information base of the research is data of the World Bank, European Business Association, State Statistics
Service of Ukraine, Institute of Sociology of the NAS of Ukraine.
Results. The essence of the concepts of “development”, “system”, “national economy”, and “social capital” has
been defined. The structure of the national economy in institutional, socio-economic, spatial, sectoral, reproductive, technological and foreign economic aspects has been considered. The indicators of the state and development of the system of national economy and social capital have been offered and analyzed in the dynamics, the interrelation between them has been revealed. The presence of a connection between the level of trust in society and the development of social networks has been established. The influence of social capital on self-regulation of entrepreneurial activity has been revealed, proposals on its effective formation and use in the national economy have been introduced.
Conclusions. Social capital is a driver of institutional change, a means of horizontal and vertical communication between the elements of the national economy. Its influence on the prosperity of the country has been proven,
as well as its relationship with indicators of investment, innovation and entrepreneurshi The subjects of the national economy at the expense of social capital have additional competitive advantages due to the sharing of own resources and reduction of transaction costs.


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How to Cite

Hrytsaienko, M., Hrytsaienko , H., Kolomiiets , V., & Fesenko, M. (2024). SOCIAL CAPITAL IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF NATIONAL ECONOMIC SYSTEMS . Science and Innovation, 18(6), 30–45.



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