


digital space; social reality; “slipping reality”; the common; the different; organization of activities; society; disproportions; split; contradictions.


The article reveals the nature of the transformation of social reality under the influence of the growing and profound use of information and communication technologies, which is based on a number of fundamental challenges that form a deep contradiction between man and his freedoms and society. Mass digitization of the latter allows to develop and bring to universalism the methods of controlling the behavior of the individual, as well as the methods of managing his psychological state. It is shown that the fundamental challenge of personal perception of reality in the digital space will be the “slipping reality”, which leads to a weakening of the preconditions of humanity and the emergence of conditions for human manipulation and choice between freedom and non-freedom (subordination). It is emphasized that algorithmization of decision-making based on the use of large databases will be increasingly used in management practice, for whose processing the so-called “weapon of mathematical destruction” is applied, which allows to lay down and realize the interest of those who collect, process and use them for their own purposes.
It is substantiated that digitalization will preserve in the social space the deepening polarization of countries and populations in terms of income, ability to acquire knowledge, use of digital technologies, lifestyle, communicational abilities, etc., which may split society into those socialized on the basis of knowledge of the “mother tongue”, and those who, thanks to digitalization, have formed a social space with a “slipping reality”. There is a task to invent ways of socialization on the basis of socio-natural ethics in the social reality, which may continue to be deformed in the case of expanding existing practices in the use of digital technologies in society and the economy.


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How to Cite

HEYETS, V. (2024). SOCIAL REALITY IN THE DIGITAL SPACE. Economy of Ukraine, 65(1 (722), 3–28.