innovation, co-creation, polysubject, management, value, collaboration, structural conjugation (concept of autopoesis)Abstract
Transformations in socio-economic sphere are beginning to sharpen the issue of empirical limitations of linear scheme of innovation development (represented by the triad “science – technology – production”, thus reducing the innovation activity of business entities and increasing the dissonance between enterprise and market with respect to innovations being created.
In view of this, it is necessary to search for epistemological foundations of innovation activity, which would correspond to increasing complexity and uncertainty of external environment to activate the innovation processes of Ukrainian enterprises and increase the congruence of innovations created.
The article shows that demarcation between linear and nonlinear paradigms of innovation management is the account of activities of all interested parties in the process of creation of innovation, which cannot be done using only the normative paradigm, constituted in provisions of classical innovation management. This has determined the need to expand traditional approach to innovation management by integrating the provisions of the descriptive paradigm.
An analysis of effective global innovation models allowed formulating the basic conceptual framework for innovation management in modern conditions: when identifying and introducing innovations, the high degree of cognitive heterogeneity of co-creation subjects is decisive factor, but not the profound professionalism and specialized knowledge of a limited group of experts. As synergistic preconditions ensuring the possibility of using the cognitive potential of innovative active subjects of the environment, the following factors are identified: (i) formation of a society of growing reflection, (ii) axiological fragmentation of society, (iii) growth of the number of independent expert groups, (iv) development of information and communication technologies, (v) epistemic merging of subjective and objective values, (vi) leveling of mechanisms of reduction of market complexity, etc.
Thus, increasing intellectualization of subjects of the environment in conjunction with existing experience of exploitation of object values, allows them to be identified as carriers of relevant socio-technical knowledge, which in behavioral and operational aspects outweigh the cognitive capabilities of the subjects of science and engineering. It updates the need to involve environmental actors in joint innovation. Thus, the nonlinear paradigm of innovation management implies the existence of a large number of sources of innovation, which extends mechanism of structural conjugation of market and enterprise, launching the process of symbiotic creativity through relevant to practical needs recombination and proliferation of the properties of innovations created.
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