education, economics, management, knowledge economy, expenses, cluster, manager, competenceAbstract
Today, the first place should be occupied by knowledge as the most progressive, democratic, and accessible component that corresponds to the modern informational intellectual phase of development of a society to ensure the establishment and the functioning of the economic triangle: “intelligence economy”, “thought economy”, “economy knowledge”.
The development of the modern “economic triangle” depends significantly on the economic conditions of establishment of the education as a branch of the economy and development of the market of educational services. In other words, the education leaves the so-called “nonproductive sphere” and becomes an economic entity.
Education, as a specific sphere of activity is of interest for the economic analysis in two aspects. First, the realization of its purpose in the society requires setting up an appropriate financial and economic mechanism of integrity of the production and the supply.
Second, the economic nature of the results of educational activities is of considerable interest. Therefore, the expenditures of the society on the education acquire a specific meaning of investments, which are highly profitable.
The objective need for the growth of public spending on the education faces the boundedness of state’s financial resources. This concerns also the expenses for the financing of the training of specialists with higher education.
During the research, we have developed a theoretical model of the cluster system of a knowledge economy with the use of innovative new technologies and the availability of intersubject innovative communications.
A new vision of the role of the national education in ensuring the social progress is the basis for transformational changes in its general concept and content and in the structure of the system of education and management.
A feature of the educational management consists in that there are two large groups of its goals: educational and economic ones. The goals of the educational nature are of primary importance.
The building of a national system of education under conditions of the formation of Ukraine as a separate independent state with regard for the fundamental changes in all spheres of the public life and the historical challenges of the XXI century requires the critical comprehension of the achieved results and the concentration of efforts and resources on solving the most urgent problems that hinder the development of the educational sector and do not allow one to ensure a new quality of the education, which would be adequate to the current historical era. In other words, Ukraine should make its own choice of the economic and educational development in the global world of interdependent countries.
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