The second approximation in a small parameter to the solution of the problem of loss of the stability of a rotating disk in the refined formulation


  • D.M. Lila Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy



boundary shape perturbation method, critical angular velocity, elastoplastic problem, rotating disc, stability loss


We have proposed a way of the investigation of the possible loss of stability by a rotating thin circular disk by the method of small parameter. We have obtained a characteristic equation for the critical radius of plastic zone in the second approximation in a small parameter on the basis of Saint-Venant's yield condition. We also have found the critical angular rotational velocity.



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How to Cite

Lila, D. (2024). The second approximation in a small parameter to the solution of the problem of loss of the stability of a rotating disk in the refined formulation . Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, (7), 33–39.