Construction of a L´evy-type process by means of the parametrix method


  • V.P. Knopova V. M. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of the NAS of Ukraine, Kiev
  • A. M. Kulik Institute of Mathematics of the NAS of Ukraine, Kiev



transition probability density, L´evy-type processes, pseudodifferential operator, generator, Levi’s parametrix method


For a wide class of integro-differential operators, it is proved that the C∞(Rn)-closure of each of such operators is the generator of a semigroup corresponding to a Feller Markov process. The transition probability density of the process is expressed in the form of a convergent series, and the estimates from above and below are provided. The proof is based essentially on a generalization of the parametrix method for the Cauchy problem for pseudodifferential operators.


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How to Cite

Knopova, V., & Kulik, A. M. (2024). Construction of a L´evy-type process by means of the parametrix method. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, (5), 22–29.



Information Science and Cybernetics